Eure Inox s.r.l.


21 February 2023

R&D in the world of stainless steel: a study funded by Eure Inox published in a scientific journal

The role of Research & Development, even in the world of stainless steel, is essential. At Eure Inox we have a vision of continuous growth of the sector, with the conviction that technological evolution and knowledge of the material can lead us to ever better results. We think about Research & Development as a concrete investment for greater customer satisfaction: our goal is always to find the perfect answer to every need in terms of use and characteristics of stainless steel.

The collaboration with Politecnico di Milano and the scientific publication

As mentioned, we strongly believe in the importance of R&D also in the world of steel, but we are convinced that to obtain the best results it is essential to consolidate solutions with those who are engaged every day in the world of research. This is why we have started a collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano for years, also subsidizing a doctoral program. In this way, a study on the magnetic properties of stainless steel was carried out by Shahab Bazri and the results were published on ournal of Materials Research and Technology, a scientific journal.

This is an achievement that makes us proud to say that we have given our contribution, offering the Polytechnic full support and availability of the company and all the laboratory equipment at our disposal.

The title of the article is “Evolution of microstructural, structural and residual stresses along with magnetic properties through static isothermal recrystallization of cold drawn high alloy ferritic stainless steel Fe–Cr–Si–S–C and by JMAK modeling ”. You can read the full version at this link.

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